Erin Fedeson
3 min read
Creativity in Professional Writing is Frosting a Cupcake: Waggish Writer Glimpse, September 2021
Creativity has been described in many ways. As a writer who enjoys baking, it's inevitable that I compare writing to the kitchen arts....
Erin Fedeson
2 min read
"Isn't She Lovely?" So...Why Haven't I Shared With the World?: Waggish Writer Glimpse, August 2021
Social media, networking, and publicity is a writing business' life line. How can you know what is out there if a writer doesn't say...
Erin Fedeson
3 min read
"Ruh-Oh!" You Caught Me!: Waggish Writer Glimpse, July 2021
Hello Universe! Did you know that vacations are the smooth talking rogues who pickpocket your time away from you? You're having so much...
Erin Fedeson
3 min read
Chrysalis of Transformation: Waggish Writer Glimpse, June 2021
Hello Universe! Waggish Writer has been quiet for several months now in a chrysalis of transformation. I've thought long and hard about...
Erin Fedeson
2 min read
Persona Profile Images Released!
Hello and thank you for visiting Waggish Writer. One of the things I had noticed when I was working on my blog that there were posts with...
Erin Fedeson
4 min read
Waggish Writer Week 4 Updates, Bloopers, and Schemes
Hello and thank you for visiting Waggish Writer. The following below are my updates, bloopers, and schemes for the website's future....