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Will you listen to a story about me?


A story of a horrible writer's transformation into the content writer, blogger, and word wizard I am today?

​What do I mean by horrible writer?


'Horrible' can be taken a few different ways. I'll fully confess grammar has always been a weak point, but that's something I keep working on each time I sit down to write.


What I mean by 'horrible' is when I started writing in 4th grade, I only wanted to see 'Erin Fedeson' on a book cover's spine. I was self-serving in my writing intentions.

I continued to be a 'horrible' writer until I learned the truth about writers.

The truth is writers write with a purpose. With people in mind who will read their words.


Me? I had no one in mind. Which explains my infamous horde of journals, notebooks, and uncompleted writing projects.


I was a writer without purpose. Flinging ink onto paper to see what would stick.


Until I thought about what gave me the most joy in life: writing.


I love doing, learning, reading, and talking about writing.


The joy lead me to a counterintuitive answer of who I would write for and what purpose.

Therefore, I will write for and write with content writers and copywriters to help them regain their freedom to write.

Why them? Why would I write for copywriters and content writers who are their own masters of the writing craft?


The truth is these writers fascinate me. They evoke wonder within me at their dedication to their profession and how they leveled up from 'word dreamer' to 'confident wordmaster.'


Yet becoming a wordmaster such as a content writer or copywriter does not mean the end of challenges.


A wordmaster knows all too well that words are hard some days. Time likes to escape. And the complexities of running a writing business drains away creativity.


I feel these side effects too. So why would I write for and write with copywriters and content writers?

The reason I write for and with content writers and copywriters is I find joy and renewed energy working with them.

Nothing gives me the greatest pleasure than to see copywriters and content writers thriving. They thrive because they have the freedom to write again.


Having the freedom to write as they wish allows both content writers and content writers to: 


  • Spark their own creativity guilt free

  • Produce high-quality content

  • Re-engage their audience and new audience members genuinely


This is but an excerpt of my story on my writing journey's path.


Yet if my story stirs your curiosity and you wish to regain your freedom to write, visit my Contact page to schedule a Coffee Chat to see if I'm the right content writer, blogger, and word wizard for you.

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