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Writer's pictureErin Fedeson

Waggish Writer Week 5 Updates, Bloopers, and Schemes

Updated: Apr 23, 2021

Hello and thank you for visiting Waggish Writer.

The following below are my updates, bloopers, and schemes for the website's future.


  • A new subscriber has joined, moving up to four subscribers! I am very happy that visitors want to keep up with Waggish Writer!

  • I am implementing a once a week announcement on my Facebook that I am the creator of Waggish Writer in hopes of drawing in visitors and prospecting subscribers.

  • The end result for the FanFiction request for "Herbie: Fully Loaded" fell through. Oh well, perhaps that may be a side project if I need a break from my main projects in FanFiction.

  • I have included persona images when I am posting content from a specific persona. I like having a visual to go with the images.

  • I have expanded "Poet Postings," which currently stands at three pages of poetry that I have written.


  • I did not have too much in the way of bloopers this week except for two things:

    • I had to figure out how to organize my Poet Postings to avoid having to relabel everything every time I expand the poet postings.

    • Discovering that if I want to include my "Buy Me a French Vietnamese" button on my posts, it means backtracking through a lot of posts. I will make it easier on myself to work on adding my button as I proceed with updates or looking for easy work to do on my website.


Writers are the greatest schemers, plotting the course of their adventures to guide their characters and readers, whether they realize the writer's guiding hand or not. I am sharing some of my schemes to give you content to look forward to in the upcoming days/weeks/months/years.

  • Schemes for Author:

    • I have been inspired to update Samurai Sisters with Chapter 7. I have come to the point that I will have to sit down to write to proceed with either Samurai Sisters or Divine Devices. That's the point of having the website. Accountability to myself and to those who take the time to see what mischief I've been up to with my writing.

    • I have a tentative idea of another story to release as part of my 6 month point. The temporary name of the series is "Legacy of Layla."

    • At the 6 month point, I will be releasing Part 2 of "A Story Years in the Making," where I introduce the second story I had to branch out the idea due to too many good ideas in the same story. The temporary name for the Part 2 series is "Elemental Equinox."

  • Schemes for Poet:

    • I will post when the mood strikes me with poetry being more spontaneous than my other types of writing and the quickest to share. I may tidy them up a little because I am a bit of a perfectionist, which is why I am slow in sharing my writing.

  • Schemes for Screenwriter:

    • I await your comments to let me know if you want more of either a completed Fire Soul draft or Episode 2 for Hellnest Manor. If there is enough interest, I will either work on getting Season 2 for Hellnest Manor ready to show or present Episode 1 of other anime season scripts I have on the back burner.

  • Schemes for Journalist:

    • As I have put out first posts for "Waggish Writer Geeks Out," "A Matter of Mantra," and "Waggish Writer Writes," I will be on the look out for cool content for my three variations of my journalist persona. As I plan to share a post once a week, I will trade on and off with "Waggish Writer Geeks Out" and "A Matter of Mantra."

    • Put ideas in the comment section with "Journalist" as part of it so I can be on the look out for your ideas!

  • FanFiction Writer

    • For this week, inspiration moved me to update "Her Maid, Blood Bird" by adding Chapter 2 to the fledgling story. I was very tempted to update "Pride's Moon Bride" and "X-Wielder: Nobody Chasing" due to the interest being garnered by FanFiction readers. However, I decided that I wanted to draw attention to Elizabeth from the Black Butler series as one reviewer for the story mentioned there was not enough FanFiction about Elizabeth.

    • With the release of three FanFiction series at different stages, I will be trading on and off of which chapters to publish. At least once a week, I will update one story with one chapter.

    • You can affect the stories' progress by commenting in the comments which one you would like to see next. Otherwise, the stories will flow naturally.

That's all I have currently for updates, bloopers, and schemes. See you next week for more updates, bloopers, and schemes for Waggish Writer!


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