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Writer's pictureErin Fedeson

Waggish Writer Week 17 Updates, Bloopers, and Schemes

Hello and thank you for taking the time to visit Waggish Writer.

The following below are my updates, bloopers, and schemes for the website's future.


  • I'm happy to report that I took some time to clean up some of the pages. Check out:

    • Poet Postings --> My niche for my poetry has a new page! Feel free to explore the other postings to see more of my poems!

    • Washtenaw Voice Scrapbook --> New article to share with the universe! Feel free to browse the scrapbook to see what other work I've done for the Washtenaw Voice!


  • Had to play around with a few links to make sure they send visitors to the pages they expect to be going. Please message me if there pages are out of whack! Thank you!


Writers are the greatest schemers, plotting the course of their adventures to guide their characters and readers, whether they realize the writer's guiding hand or not. I am sharing some of my schemes to give you content to look forward to in the upcoming days/weeks/months/years.

  • Schemes for Author:

  • Schemes for Poet:

    • This week, inspiration for poetry writing has been to create a new page to display my poetry work.

  • Schemes for Screenwriter:

    • Currently, I have two drafts of scripts meant for the screen: "Fire Soul," a sci-fi based movie inspired by "Full-Metal Alchemist" and "Real Steel" and "Hellnest Manor," the first episode script for an anime series inspired by "Black Butler" with my fascination with Japan.

  • Schemes for Journalist:

    • The posts I share for my Journalist persona will appear in different variations:

      • "Waggish Writer Geeks Out" - my space to geek out about things I really enjoy.

      • "A Matter of Mantra" - my space to share affirmations I am welcoming into my life to become a better version of me

      • "Waggish Writer Writes" - my space where I lean more to the reporter side of my persona.

  • Stay tune to see what mischief I am up to each week.

  • FanFiction Writer

    • For this week, inspiration moved me to follow the creative flow with my more original ideas.

    • With the release of three FanFiction series at different stages, I will be trading on and off of which chapters to publish. At least once a week, I will update one story with one chapter.

    • You can affect the stories' progress by commenting in the comments which one you would like to see next. Otherwise, the stories will flow naturally.


Thank you for taking time to visit Waggish Writer. If you wish to show your appreciation, you are welcome to...

This is Waggish Writer signing off of this post. Stay tune for more updates, bloopers, and schemes next week!

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