If you want a blog
In Waggish Writer,
Be a creator
Of pen, voice, or art.
Tell me your story.
Share what lights you up.
Offer the trade's tools.
Let's geek out in words.
Created October 30, 2020
Hello and thank you for visiting Waggish Writer.
It recently dawned on me blogs can be shared spaces. I decided to have a serious conversation about what Waggish Writer is and what content can find in a nook in my waggish playground.
I dreamed of being a published author since I was in 4th grade. What always intimated me was failure, of my work not being good enough. It was many years later that I realized those who've read my work enjoyed it. The only way I could improve my skills and fix my flaws (grammar the main culprit) is to write.
Waggish Writer was born of my wish to be an author, publishing my content. I have fragmented my identity as a writer into the traditional author, a sporadic poet, a visionary screenwriter, a creative journalist, and a wandering FanFiciton Writer. The content on Waggish Writer is original work. If I searched for information, I did my best to use APA citation if it is a direct quote. If I am reviewing others' creations or geeking out about what they are doing, I include a link to their content and cite them to the best of my ability.
Besides publishing my content, I have included a resources page where I planned to expand to help other creative creators in their endeavors. It is a page that I have not done much work on, but I want to change it.
While the craft of the written word is Waggish Writer's main showcase, I enjoy video games, cooking, baking, reading, coloring books, and photography. These activities fall into the realm of creative and geek heaven.
As I have opened my creative mind to the universe, this is my invitation for liked creative minds to share their content via Waggish Writer. My invitation will be revised as I further develop Waggish Writer and have a sense of what content has a home here.
Waggish Writer is a creative outlet. Therefore, the following individuals can easily find a home here in Waggish Writer:
Creators: writers from all walks of life (examples: authors, poets, journalists, screenwriters, and FanFiction Writers), actors, photographers, musicians, and dancers are some examples.
Advocates of Creativity: publishing platforms (examples: Wix, WordPress), organizations that support creative endeavors (example: Panodyssey), and organizations that have tools to help the creators are some ideas.
If you do not see yourself on the lists above, do not feel that you are unwelcomed. Creativity has a wide range of possibility.
Therefore, if you have an idea but want a soundboard, do not hesitate to use the Contact Me page to start a conversation with me. We can either find a way to welcome the idea here or brainstorm other places where your idea can find a home. I arrived where I am because I reached out to creative minds. I wish to help others to arrive at their goals or stumble into dream-like opportunities as I've been helped.
I am still growing into my role as an author of Waggish Writer and still learning what style of blogging works best for my creativity. This blog is open to those wish to try their hand at writing content or experienced veterans.
Here is how I would like the content pitch process to go:
Go to the Contact Me Page
Fill the Contact Form with:
Your name (example: Erin Fedeson)
Your email (example: waggishwriter@gmail.com)
Subject: Content Pitch for Waggish Writer
In the message, please cover these topics:
Who are you? Tell me a bit of your background and what creative outlet lights you up.
How did you find Waggish Writer? Did you see it on Facebook? Stumbled upon it on Google? Noticed it on LinkedIn? Did someone refer you to the website?
Why do you want to write for Waggish Writer? Do you want to share your creative passion? Share your creative accomplishments? Do you have tools you feel that can help creative individuals?
Pitches your idea or ideas. Some jumpstart ideas: introducing yourself and your creative craft, a how-to begin a new creative journey, a free-flowing conversation between me, Waggish Writer, and yourself about writing, life, and fandoms [This can take a Q&A format but open to discussion].
Share samples of your work. These samples can include past publications (if you are an experienced writer) or 1-2 writing samples of your work (if you are a writer just getting started on the creative journey or someone unfamiliar with the written word)
After you complete the form, click submit. I will do my best to respond timely.
If I feel your content resonates with the goals of Waggish Writer, I will respond with my thoughts on your pitches or offer additional ideas to help better align them.
Something I wish to stress is that Waggish Writer is very important to me. I care about the content's quality. If I were to describe the voice of Waggish Writer, it is a free-flowing, conversational tone with the goal of passing information. Grammar is my Achilles' heel. Therefore, I will work with you to proof the submission.
As I am opening my creative heaven in the Internet, I will ask for a small fee before the content is published.
I host a Buy Me a Coffee webpage that I've titled "Buy Me a French Vietnamese" (since I can't do the whole title of the coffee which is a French Vietnamese au Lait). The cost of one coffee is $5.
If the final content count is 500 words or less, I ask for one coffee ($5). If the content is between 500 words and 1,000 words, I ask for two coffees ($10). These are minimal requests and if it is a few words over say the 500 limit, I round down. You are welcome to buy as many coffees to your satisfaction. What lights me up the most is spreading creativity and raising up fellow creators and advocates of creativity.
Once the coffee goes through, I will published the piece on Waggish Writer. Your submission can include an author bio as well as a link to your work, which will not count against the word count. If you wish, I can work with you either to create or incorporate an image into the blog piece. It would be amazing if you would share the work you wrote for Waggish Writer on other platforms, but it is not a requirement.
If this post does not completely answer your questions, please do not hesitate to use the Contact Me to reach out.
Hope we begin an amazing adventure in releasing creativity into the universe via the Internet!
Thank you for taking time to visit Waggish Writer. If you wish to show your appreciation, you are welcome to...
This is Waggish Writer signing off of this post. See you next time!