
Erin Fedeson
2 min read
A Forgotten Victory
Hello and thank you for visiting Waggish Writer. This post is slightly different from my previous Poet persona postings. The reason is...

Erin Fedeson
1 min read
What Carries Me On
Created January 16, 2020/June 16, 2020 Blessings are what help me carry on. Yet it is so easy to forget As moments turn to seconds,...

Erin Fedeson
1 min read
"In this time of crisis, life goes on."
Created March 25, 2020 In this time of crisis, life goes on. Flowers poke out of the barren ground. Birds fly and sing the summer...

Erin Fedeson
1 min read
"Why? I'll Tell You Why..."
Created March 9, 2020 Why? I'll you why I haven't soughed out The perfect lifestyle Running 9 to 5. My heart isn't there. It sinks in my...

Erin Fedeson
1 min read
Behold the Ice Dragons
Created May 18, 2020 We slay ice dragons. From the felled dragons, We craft life anew In our homemade brew. Coffee ice dragon Is the...

Erin Fedeson
1 min read
"I am the Light"
Created June 3, 2020 I am the Light, Shining through darkness. I am the Light, Shining for myself. I am the Light, Shining for others. I...